

What is the Difference Between a 经纪人价值意见 and an Appraisal?

Both a 经纪人价值意见 (BOV) and an appraisal utilize the same approaches to determining the value of properties, 然而, 有一些关键的区别.

To begin, an appraisal is performed by a state-licensed third party and performed at a cost. Specifically, in terms of 商业地产, the cost may be significant. 经常, BOV的成本很低,甚至没有成本, as many brokers provide this service as a means of earning representation for the property. There are specific guidelines stipulating what uses a BOV may or may not have.

Another key diffe租金iator between a BOV and an appraisal is the detail provided. BOV分析的深度有所不同, 但大多数人考虑的是房产条件, 大小, 位置, 年龄, 租户数据, and a number of other attributes of the physical structure/property. 评估往往包括外部因素, 包括地区人口统计, 地形, 排水及土壤状况, 以及洪水和环境危害. That is not to say that the analysis of a BOV isn’t comprehensive. Brokers performing these opinions are skilled at market research and analysis. The guidelines, 然而, for the details necessary to include in an appraisal are more stringent.


There are three approaches to providing a 经纪人价值意见, 收入法, 重置成本法, 和销售比较或直接比较的方法. The approach used is dependent on the property type and the frequency in which similar types of property 交易 occur on the open market.

The income approach to value is estimated by a property’s income-producing capability. 运用预期原则, this method evaluates the property’s income and expenses to determine a lease rate, which is the amount of income the property is expected to generate over a specified period of time. This approach is most commonly used for 投资 or income-producing properties.

The replacement cost approach is determined by calculating the cost to build new, 考虑到, 税, 建设, 土地及其他相关费用, 然后根据年龄对价值进行贬值, or functional or economic conditions that may impact the value. This approach is used for properties that are unique or no comparable sales exist.

最常见的方法, 销售补偿方法, 评估最近出售的类似房产, 基于相关, 市场衍生的比较因素. This approach to value is based on the principle of substitution, essentially stating that the value of a property can be determined by the price a potential buyer would pay to acquire a substitute property of equal desirability. 然而, 因为没有两个属性是相同的, adjustments are then made in the determination of value to account for other considerations that may impact the value.


There are a number of factors that affect property value aside from the physical attributes of the property itself. 例如, properties within close proximity to a mixed-use development are of higher value because it is desirable to be among a walkable area offering a number of amenities, even when the physical attributes of the property are comparable.

另外, whether properties are sold individually or listed as a portfolio also has an impact on the value. Properties sold as a portfolio typically garner less than properties sold individually – unless it is determined that there is a specific value by assembl年龄, 比如支持更大的发展.

价值还受到供需关系的影响. The fewer properties available that are similar to the subject property, 价格越有可能越高.

Other considerations include the 年龄 of the buildings and the desirability of the area.

How Do I Know If I Need a 经纪人价值意见 or an Appraisal?

A 经纪人价值意见 is generally solicited when there is a desire to sell. 然而, obtaining a BOV can inform business decisions by providing owners with valuable market insight. 例如, BOVs are sometimes needed to inform Boards of Directors or Investors. Appraisals may be required for financing and tax purposes.

关于NAI Ohio Equities

作为俄亥俄州中部最大的, locally-owned 商业地产 company; NAI Ohio Equities has been serving the Columbus real estate market for 50 years. Our mission is to provide the highest quality real estate service by adding value to our client’s assets and real estate needs through expert analysis, 市场知识, 个性化服务.

As Central Ohio’s local leader in 商业地产, NAI Ohio Equities employs more than 25 experienced 年龄nts that together make up our qualified Broker年龄 Department. We also have an experienced Property Man年龄ment Division managing more than 12 million square feet of property including various home-owner associations, 多租户办公楼, 医疗办公大楼, 工业设施, 以及遍布俄亥俄州中部的零售大楼.

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